Lab: Feature engineering with Amazon SageMaker


Typically a Machine Learning (ML) process consists of few steps: data gathering with various ETL jobs, pre-processing the data, featurizing the dataset by incorporating standard techniques or prior knowledge, and finally training an ML model using an algorithm.

In many cases, when the trained model is used for processing real time or batch prediction requests, the model receives data in a format which needs to pre-processed (e.g. featurized) before it can be passed to the algorithm.

In this lab, we will demonstrate how to perform feature engineering while building an ML Pipeline leveraging the SageMaker Scikit-learn container and SageMaker Linear Learner algorithm & after the model is trained, run batch inferences using Amazon SageMaker Batch Transform.

We will demonstrate this using the Abalone Dataset to guess the age of Abalone with physical features. The dataset is available from UCI Machine Learning; the aim for this task is to determine age of an Abalone (a kind of shellfish) from its physical measurements. We’ll use SageMaker’s Scikit-learn container to featurize the dataset so that it can be used for training with Linear Learner.

Step 1

In the Notebook that you created in the previous lab, copy and paste the following code to create a SageMaker session and role, and create a S3 prefix to use for the notebook example.

import sagemaker
from sagemaker import get_execution_role

sagemaker_session = sagemaker.Session()

# S3 prefix
prefix = 'Scikit-LinearLearner-pipeline-abalone-example'

# Get a SageMaker-compatible role used by this Notebook Instance.
# you created this role in the previous step
role = get_execution_role()

Step 2

Download the dataset from this publically available S3 bucket and save it to abalone_data folder on your SageMaker instance

!wget --directory-prefix=./abalone_data

Step 3

Now, upload the data to your own S3 bucket inside a folder respresented by the prefix variable

WORK_DIRECTORY = 'abalone_data'

train_input = sagemaker_session.upload_data(
    path='{}/{}'.format(WORK_DIRECTORY, 'abalone.csv'),
    key_prefix='{}/{}'.format(prefix, 'train'))

Step 4 (Optional - just review)

Let’s start creating pre-processing scripts.

Now we are ready to create the container that will preprocess our data before it’s sent to the trained Linear Learner model. This container will run the script, which Amazon SageMaker will import for both training and prediction. Training is executed using the main method as the entry point, which parses arguments, reads the raw abalone dataset from Amazon S3, then runs the SimpleImputer and StandardScaler on the numeric features and SimpleImputer and OneHotEncoder on the categorical features. At the end of training, the script serializes the fitted ColumnTransformer to Amazon S3 so that it may be used during inference.

Feature engineering using Amazon SageMaker inference pipelines

We will train our classifier with the following features:

Explanation of the code

This training script is very similar to one you might run outside of SageMaker, but you can access useful properties about the training environment through various environment variables, such as:

Supposing two input channels, ‘train’ and ‘test’, were used in the call to the Chainer estimator’s fit() method, the following will be set, following the format SMCHANNEL[channel_name]:

A typical training script loads data from the input channels, configures training with hyperparameters, trains a model, and saves a model to model_dir so that it can be hosted later. Hyperparameters are passed to your script as arguments and can be retrieved with an argparse.ArgumentParser instance.

from __future__ import print_function

import time
import sys
from io import StringIO
import os
import shutil

import argparse
import csv
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.externals import joblib
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import Binarizer, StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder

from sagemaker_containers.beta.framework import (
    content_types, encoders, env, modules, transformer, worker)

# Since we get a headerless CSV file we specify the column names here.
feature_columns_names = [
    'sex', # M, F, and I (infant)
    'length', # Longest shell measurement
    'diameter', # perpendicular to length
    'height', # with meat in shell
    'whole_weight', # whole abalone
    'shucked_weight', # weight of meat
    'viscera_weight', # gut weight (after bleeding)
    'shell_weight'] # after being dried

label_column = 'rings'

feature_columns_dtype = {
    'sex': str,
    'length': np.float64,
    'diameter': np.float64,
    'height': np.float64,
    'whole_weight': np.float64,
    'shucked_weight': np.float64,
    'viscera_weight': np.float64,
    'shell_weight': np.float64}

label_column_dtype = {'rings': np.float64} # +1.5 gives the age in years

def merge_two_dicts(x, y):
    z = x.copy()   # start with x's keys and values
    z.update(y)    # modifies z with y's keys and values & returns None
    return z
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Hyperparameters are passed to your script as arguments and can be retrieved with an `argparse.ArgumentParser` instance
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    # SageMaker specific arguments. Defaults are set in the environment variables.
    parser.add_argument('--output-data-dir', type=str, default=os.environ['SM_OUTPUT_DATA_DIR'])
    parser.add_argument('--model-dir', type=str, default=os.environ['SM_MODEL_DIR'])
    parser.add_argument('--train', type=str, default=os.environ['SM_CHANNEL_TRAIN'])

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Take the set of files and read them all into a single pandas dataframe
    input_files = [ os.path.join(args.train, file) for file in os.listdir(args.train) ]
    if len(input_files) == 0:
        raise ValueError(('There are no files in {}.\n' +
                          'This usually indicates that the channel ({}) was incorrectly specified,\n' +
                          'the data specification in S3 was incorrectly specified or the role specified\n' +
                          'does not have permission to access the data.').format(args.train, "train"))

    raw_data = [ pd.read_csv(
        names=feature_columns_names + [label_column],
        dtype=merge_two_dicts(feature_columns_dtype, label_column_dtype)) for file in input_files ]
    concat_data = pd.concat(raw_data)

    # This section is adapted from the scikit-learn example of using preprocessing pipelines:
    # We will train our classifier with the following features:
    # Numeric Features:
    # - length:  Longest shell measurement
    # - diameter: Diameter perpendicular to length
    # - height:  Height with meat in shell
    # - whole_weight: Weight of whole abalone
    # - shucked_weight: Weight of meat
    # - viscera_weight: Gut weight (after bleeding)
    # - shell_weight: Weight after being dried
    # Categorical Features:
    # - sex: categories encoded as strings {'M', 'F', 'I'} where 'I' is Infant
    numeric_features = list(feature_columns_names)
    numeric_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
        ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')),
        ('scaler', StandardScaler())])

    categorical_features = ['sex']
    categorical_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
        ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value='missing')),
        ('onehot', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'))])

    preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(
            ('num', numeric_transformer, numeric_features),
            ('cat', categorical_transformer, categorical_features)],

    joblib.dump(preprocessor, os.path.join(args.model_dir, "model.joblib"))

    print("saved model!")

The next methods of the script are used during inference. The input_fn and output_fn methods will be used by Amazon SageMaker to parse the data payload and reformat the response. In this example, the input method only accepts ‘text/csv’ as the content-type, but can easily be modified to accept other input formats. The input_fn function also checks the length of the csv passed to determine whether to preprocess training data, which includes the label, or prediction data. The output method returns back in JSON format because by default the Inference Pipeline expects JSON between the containers, but can be modified to add other output formats.

def input_fn(input_data, content_type):
    """Parse input data payload

    We currently only take csv input. Since we need to process both labelled
    and unlabelled data we first determine whether the label column is present
    by looking at how many columns were provided.
    if content_type == 'text/csv':
        # Read the raw input data as CSV.
        df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(input_data),

        if len(df.columns) == len(feature_columns_names) + 1:
            # This is a labelled example, includes the ring label
            df.columns = feature_columns_names + [label_column]
        elif len(df.columns) == len(feature_columns_names):
            # This is an unlabelled example.
            df.columns = feature_columns_names

        return df
        raise ValueError("{} not supported by script!".format(content_type))
def output_fn(prediction, accept):
    """Format prediction output

    The default accept/content-type between containers for serial inference is JSON.
    We also want to set the ContentType or mimetype as the same value as accept so the next
    container can read the response payload correctly.
    if accept == "application/json":
        instances = []
        for row in prediction.tolist():
            instances.append({"features": row})

        json_output = {"instances": instances}

        return worker.Response(json.dumps(json_output), accept, mimetype=accept)
    elif accept == 'text/csv':
        return worker.Response(encoders.encode(prediction, accept), accept, mimetype=accept)
        raise RuntimeException("{} accept type is not supported by this script.".format(accept))

Our predict_fn will take the input data, which was parsed by our input_fn, and the deserialized model from the model_fn (described in detail next) to transform the source data. The script also adds back labels if the source data had labels, which would be the case for preprocessing training data.

def predict_fn(input_data, model):
    """Preprocess input data

    We implement this because the default predict_fn uses .predict(), but our model is a preprocessor
    so we want to use .transform().

    The output is returned in the following order:

        rest of features either one hot encoded or standardized
    features = model.transform(input_data)

    if label_column in input_data:
        # Return the label (as the first column) and the set of features.
        return np.insert(features, 0, input_data[label_column], axis=1)
        # Return only the set of features
        return features

The model_fn takes the location of a serialized model and returns the deserialized model back to Amazon SageMaker. Note that this is the only method that does not have a default because the definition of the method will be closely linked to the serialization method implemented in training. In this example, we use the joblib library included with Scikit-learn.

def model_fn(model_dir):
    """Deserialize fitted model
    preprocessor = joblib.load(os.path.join(model_dir, "model.joblib"))
    return preprocessor

Step 5: Fit the data preprocessor

from sagemaker.sklearn.estimator import SKLearn

script_path = '/home/ec2-user/sample-notebooks/sagemaker-python-sdk/scikit_learn_inference_pipeline/'

sklearn_preprocessor = SKLearn(
    sagemaker_session=sagemaker_session){'train': train_input})

Step 6: Batch transform the training data

Now that our proprocessor is properly fitted, let’s go ahead and preprocess our training data. Let’s use batch transform to directly preprocess the raw data and store right back into Amazon S3.

Define a SKLearn Transformer from the trained SKLearn Estimator

transformer = sklearn_preprocessor.transformer(
    assemble_with = 'Line',
    accept = 'text/csv')

Preprocess training input

transformer.transform(train_input, content_type='text/csv')
print('Waiting for transform job: ' + transformer.latest_transform_job.job_name)
preprocessed_train = transformer.output_path

When the transformer is done, our transformed data will be stored in Amazon S3. You can find the location of the preprocessed data by looking at the values in the preprocessed_train variable.

Transformed output


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