In the compilation process of programming languages, lexical and syntax analysis are foundational steps that transform raw source code into structured representations, facilitating further analysis and translation. Lexical analysis, the first phase, employs deterministic finite automata and regular expressions to segment the input text into tokens (atomic units of meaning within the code).

Then, syntax analysis builds upon the tokens identified by the lexer to construct parse trees and abstract syntax trees (ASTs) using context-free grammar [1] and various parsing techniques. These trees represent the hierarchical syntactic structure of the program, adhering to the language’s grammar rules. Together, lexical and syntax analysis prepare the groundwork for understanding and manipulating source code in subsequent phases of the compilation or interpretation process.

What is a parser?

A parser analyzes the syntactic structure of a given input, typically source code e.g. PartiQL, SQL dialects, or C++, based on a predefined set of grammatical rules. In the context of syntax analysis, the parser’s role is to convert a sequence of tokens generated by the lexical analysis phase into a parse tree or an abstract syntax tree (AST) that reflects the hierarchical grammatical structure of the input. This structured representation allows for the validation of the syntactic correctness of the source code and facilitates further processing, such as semantic analysis, optimization, and code generation.

Parsing employs various algorithms and strategies to construct the tree representation efficiently and accurately. Parsing techniques fall into two primary categories: top-down parsing and bottom-up parsing.

Top-Down Parsing

  • Recursive Descent Parsing: It is a straightforward method where the parser recursively calls functions representing non-terminals in the grammar. It’s hand-coded but may require backtracking for some grammars.
  • Predictive Parsing (LL Parsing): An extension of recursive descent that eliminates backtracking by using lookahead tokens to make parsing decisions. LL parsers, where the first L stands for reading the input from left to right and the second L for producing a leftmost derivation, rely on a parsing table to decide which rule to apply. ANTLR generates LL(*) parsers, where * denotes an arbitrary number of lookahead tokens.

Bottom-Up Parsing

  • Shift-Reduce Parsing: This method builds the parse tree from the leaves up, starting with the input tokens and working towards the grammar’s start symbol. Actions involve shifting (moving tokens onto a stack for further processing) and reducing (applying grammar rules to reduce sequences of tokens and non-terminals to higher-level non-terminals).
  • LR Parsing: It is a more complex form of shift-reduce parsing capable of handling a broader range of grammars, including all deterministic context-free grammars. LR parsers read the input from left to right and construct a rightmost derivation in reverse. Variants like SLR, LALR, and Canonical LR differ in handling the lookahead tokens and constructing their parsing tables.

The choice of parsing technique depends on the specific requirements of the language and compiler, including factors like the complexity of the grammar, the need to handle ambiguities and performance considerations. Parsing ensures that the source code adheres to the syntactic rules of the language but also lays the groundwork for all subsequent compilation phases, making it a pivotal component of the compiler architecture.

Recursive Descent Parsing

Recursive descent parsing is a top-down parsing technique that implements the grammar of a language directly with a set of recursive procedures or functions. Each non-terminal in the grammar is represented by one function, and the structure of these functions mirrors the grammar rules, making the parser easy to understand and implement, especially for simple grammars. This method can handle both deterministic and some non-deterministic grammars but might require backtracking for certain grammars that are not LL(1), meaning they cannot be parsed with a single lookahead token.

Example Grammar

Consider a simple arithmetic grammar that supports addition, multiplication, and parentheses to alter precedence:

Expr   -> Term ExprTail
ExprTail -> + Term ExprTail | ε
Term   -> Factor TermTail
TermTail -> * Factor TermTail | ε
Factor -> ( Expr ) | number

Here, Expr is an expression, Term is a term (part of an expression possibly multiplied by other terms), Factor is a factor (a number or a nested expression), and ε represents an empty production. The ExprTail and TermTail are used to implement the right recursion for addition and multiplication, allowing for sequences of terms or factors.

Recursive Descent Parser Implementation

Below is a simplified Python implementation for the given grammar. This parser assumes the input is a list of tokens, where each token is a tuple (type, value), and type can be NUMBER, PLUS, STAR, or LPAREN, RPAREN for the respective symbols number, +, *, (, ).

class Token:
    def __init__(self, type, value):
        self.type = type
        self.value = value

class Parser:
    def __init__(self, tokens):
        self.tokens = tokens
        self.current_token_index = 0

    def consume(self, expected_type):
        if self.current_token_index < len(self.tokens) and self.tokens[self.current_token_index].type == expected_type:
            current_token = self.tokens[self.current_token_index]
            self.current_token_index += 1
            return current_token
            raise Exception(f"Expected token type {expected_type}, got {self.tokens[self.current_token_index].type}")

    def parse_expr(self):

    def parse_expr_tail(self):
        if self.current_token_index < len(self.tokens) and self.tokens[self.current_token_index].type == 'PLUS':

    def parse_term(self):

    def parse_term_tail(self):
        if self.current_token_index < len(self.tokens) and self.tokens[self.current_token_index].type == 'STAR':

    def parse_factor(self):
        if self.current_token_index < len(self.tokens) and self.tokens[self.current_token_index].type == 'LPAREN':
        elif self.tokens[self.current_token_index].type == 'NUMBER':
            raise Exception(f"Unexpected token {self.tokens[self.current_token_index].type}")

# Example usage
tokens = [Token('NUMBER', '3'), Token('PLUS', '+'), Token('NUMBER', '4')]
parser = Parser(tokens)
parser.parse_expr()  # This should parse the expression without errors for a correct input

This example provides a basic structure for a recursive descent parser. It does not handle errors gracefully nor returns an AST, which would be necessary for a complete implementation. The parse_* methods directly correspond to the non-terminals in the grammar and recursively parse the input according to the grammar rules. This parser can be extended with additional functionality like error reporting or AST generation by modifying the parse_* methods to construct and return tree nodes instead of simply consuming tokens.

Recursive Descent Parsing Analysis

Recursive descent parsing translates the formal grammar of a language into a set of recursive procedures or functions, offering an intuitive approach to syntax analysis. This method aligns closely with the grammar, facilitating a straightforward implementation process. Below, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of recursive descent parsing, incorporating code examples to illustrate key points.


Direct Implementation of Grammar: Each non-terminal in the grammar corresponds to a function in the parser, enabling a clear and direct implementation. For instance, a grammar rule Expr -> Expr + Term translates into a function parseExpr() calling itself recursively to process an expression.

def parseExpr(self):
    while self.currentToken == '+':

Flexibility: The parser can easily adapt to changes in the grammar. Adding a new rule, such as Expr -> Expr - Term, requires adding a corresponding condition and method call within the parsing function.

while self.currentToken in ['+', '-']:

No Special Tools Required: Recursive descent parsers are hand-coded, eliminating the need for parser generator tools. This direct control allows for tailored optimizations and error handling.

Readability and Maintainability: The parser’s code remains clean and aligned with the grammar, enhancing both readability and maintainability, especially for simpler grammars.

Error Reporting: Customized error reporting becomes straightforward, as the parser’s structure allows it to identify precisely where errors occur within the input.


Difficulty with Left Recursion: Left-recursive rules lead to infinite recursion. For example, a rule like Expr -> Expr + Term cannot be directly implemented without modifying the grammar to eliminate left recursion.

Performance Issues: Deep recursive calls consume significant stack space, potentially leading to performance degradation for large inputs or deeply nested structures.

Limited to LL Grammars: Recursive descent parsing is inherently suited for LL grammars, which might not be adequate for parsing more complex languages that an LR parser would handle more efficiently.

Manual Effort: The effort required to manually code and maintain the parser increases significantly with the complexity of the language’s grammar.

Backtracking: Some grammars require backtracking, which can introduce inefficiencies.

Backtracking in the context of parsing refers to a mechanism where the parser, upon reaching a point where it cannot proceed with the current choice due to a mismatch between the input and the grammar rules, reverses its steps (or “backtracks”) to a previous point and tries a different path or rule.

To illustrate, consider a grammar where two rules start similarly; the parser might need to backtrack if it chooses the wrong rule initially.

def parseStatement(self):
    if self.lookahead(1) == 'if':
    elif self.lookahead(1) == 'while':
    # Requires backtracking if the choice isn't clear from the first token

In summary, recursive descent parsing offers a programmer-friendly, flexible approach for translating grammar rules into code, particularly for languages with simpler grammars. However, its limitations, such as handling left recursion, performance on complex grammars, and the manual effort required for coding and maintenance, suggest careful consideration of the specific use case before choosing this parsing strategy.

Predictive Parsing

Predictive parsing is a type of top-down parsing that eliminates the need for backtracking by using a lookahead token to decide which production rule to apply. It requires the grammar to be LL(1), meaning it is left-to-right, produces a leftmost derivation, and requires only one lookahead token to make parsing decisions. Predictive parsing uses a table to guide the parsing process, making it more efficient than naive recursive descent with backtracking for specific grammars.

Predictive parsing operates using a parse table explicitly created based on the language’s grammar. This table maps out which grammatical rule should be applied next, depending on the current non-terminal element under consideration and the upcoming input token, the lookahead. To ensure the efficacy of predictive parsing, it’s crucial that the grammar does not include left recursion and is structured in a way that avoids ambiguity—meaning the grammar should be clear enough that no single string of input can be parsed in more than one way based on the rules provided.

Example Grammar

Consider a simple arithmetic expression grammar that supports addition and multiplication:

Expr   -> Term ExprTail
ExprTail -> + Term ExprTail | ε
Term   -> Factor TermTail
TermTail -> * Factor TermTail | ε
Factor -> ( Expr ) | id

Here, ε represents an empty string, indicating the end of a production. This grammar is suitable for predictive parsing because it is designed to be LL(1).

Constructing the Parse Table

A parse table for the above grammar maps each combination of a non-terminal and a lookahead token to a specific production rule. For simplicity, let’s consider partial entries:

  • For Expr and lookahead ( or id, the table points to Expr -> Term ExprTail.
  • For ExprTail and lookahead +, it points to ExprTail -> + Term ExprTail.
  • For ExprTail and lookahead ) or $ (end of input), it points to ExprTail -> ε, indicating no further tokens should be processed for ExprTail.

Predictive Parser Implementation

Here’s a simplified Python implementation for a predictive parser based on the given grammar. This example focuses on the parsing logic rather than the complete implementation, including the parse table setup.

class PredictiveParser:
    def __init__(self, tokens):
        self.tokens = tokens
        self.lookahead = self.tokens[0]

    def consume(self, token):
        if self.lookahead == token:
            if self.tokens:
                self.lookahead = self.tokens[0]
                self.lookahead = '$'  # End of input
            raise Exception(f"Unexpected token: expected {token}, found {self.lookahead}")

    def parse(self):

    def parseExpr(self):

    def parseExprTail(self):
        if self.lookahead == '+':
        elif self.lookahead in [')', '$']:  # Follow set of ExprTail
            return  # ε production
            raise Exception(f"Invalid token in ExprTail: {self.lookahead}")

    def parseTerm(self):

    def parseTermTail(self):
        if self.lookahead == '*':
        elif self.lookahead in ['+', ')', '$']:  # Follow set of TermTail
            return  # ε production
            raise Exception(f"Invalid token in TermTail: {self.lookahead}")

    def parseFactor(self):
        if self.lookahead == '(':
        elif self.lookahead == 'id':
            raise Exception(f"Invalid token in Factor: {self.lookahead}")

In this implementation, self.consume() advances the input only if the current token matches the expected token, simulating the parsing table’s role in guiding the parsing process. The parser methods (parseExpr, parseTerm, etc.) correspond to non-terminals in the grammar and implement the logic dictated by the parse table.

Predictive Parsing Analysis


  • Efficiency: Eliminates the need for backtracking, making the parsing process faster.
  • Simplicity: The parse table provides a clear and straightforward parsing path.
  • Determinism: Each step in the parsing process is deterministic, guided by the parse table entries.


  • Grammar Restrictions: Only applicable to LL(1) grammars, requiring potentially significant modifications to the original grammar to fit this form.
  • Parse Table Construction: For complex grammars, constructing the parse table can be tedious and error-prone.

Predictive parsing offers a systematic and efficient approach for analyzing the syntax of programming languages, guided by a specially constructed parse table. Leveraging lookahead tokens to select production rules without backtracking ensures deterministic parsing of LL(1) grammars. However, its effectiveness hinges on the grammar being free from left recursion and ambiguity, necessitating precise grammar preparation. Despite these prerequisites, predictive parsing remains a favored technique for its clarity and direct mapping from grammar to parsing logic. It makes it a reliable choice for compilers and interpreters prioritizing efficiency and determinism in syntax analysis.

Shift-reduce Parsing

Shift-reduce parsing is a bottom-up approach to syntax analysis, primarily used in constructing the parse tree of a given input string from the leaves to the root. This method processes the input by shifting tokens onto a stack and reducing sequences of stack items to non-terminal symbols based on the grammar’s production rules. Shift-reduce parsing forms the basis for more complex algorithms like LR parsing, including its variants SLR, LALR, and CLR parsing.

Shift-reduce parsing involves two main operations:

  • Shift: This operation moves the next input token onto the top of the stack. This step represents the parser reading one symbol at a time from the input and shifting it onto the stack, waiting for a pattern match with the right side of a production rule.
  • Reduce: When the items at the top of the stack match the body of a production rule, the parser replaces (or “reduces”) them with the rule’s head (a non-terminal symbol). This step signifies the recognition of a higher-level syntactic structure.

Example Grammar

Consider a simplified grammar for arithmetic expressions:

E -> E + T | T
T -> T * F | F
F -> ( E ) | id

In this grammar, E, T, and F represent expressions, terms, and factors, respectively, with id standing for identifiers (e.g., variable names or numbers).

Shift-Reduce Parsing Example

Given the input string id + id * id, a shift-reduce parser would process it as follows:

  • Shift id onto the stack.
  • Reduce id to F, then to T, and finally to E based on the rules F -> id, T -> F, and E -> T.
  • Shift + onto the stack.
  • Shift the next id, reduce it to F, then to T.
  • Shift * onto the stack.
  • Shift the last id, reduce it to F.
  • Reduce T * F to T based on the rule T -> T * F.
  • Reduce E + T to E based on the rule E -> E + T.

At each reduce step, the parser applies a production rule in reverse, synthesizing a higher-level non-terminal from a sequence of terminals and/or non-terminals.

Shift-Reduce Parsing Code (Pseudocode)

stack = []
tokens = ["id", "+", "id", "*", "id"] + ["$"]  # $ denotes end of input

def shift(token):

def reduce():
    if stack[-1] == "id":
    elif stack[-3:] == ["T", "*", "F"]:
        stack.pop(); stack.pop(); stack.pop()
    elif stack[-3:] == ["E", "+", "T"]:
        stack.pop(); stack.pop(); stack.pop()
    # Additional rules as needed

while tokens:
    lookahead = tokens[0]
    # Decision logic for shift or reduce
    # This is simplified; actual logic depends on the parser's state and the lookahead token
    if lookahead in ["id", "+", "*"]:

This pseudocode illustrates the primary mechanism of shift and reduce operations. Actual shift-reduce parsers, especially those implementing LR parsing algorithms, use a state machine and a parsing table to determine when to shift or reduce. This algorithm makes the process deterministic and efficient for many grammars.

Shift-reduce Parsing Analysis

Shift-reduce parsing, a fundamental technique in compiler design for bottom-up syntax analysis, offers several advantages and drawbacks, which can affect its suitability for different parsing scenarios.


Handles a Wide Range of Grammars: Capable of parsing many grammars, including those that are not suitable for simple top-down parsers. This makes it versatile for complex language constructs.

Efficient Parsing Process: With a well-designed parser and grammar, shift-reduce parsing can be very efficient, enabling fast syntax analysis of source code. The deterministic nature of advanced shift-reduce parsers (like LR parsers) avoids the performance hit from backtracking.

Constructs a Concrete Parse Tree: Directly builds a parse tree from the bottom up, which can be useful for subsequent semantic analysis and code generation phases.

# Example Code Snippet for Reducing
if stack[-3:] == ["E", "+", "T"]:
    # Reduces E + T to E
    stack.pop(); stack.pop(); stack.pop()


Complexity in Parser Construction: Designing and implementing a shift-reduce parser, especially an LR parser, involves constructing a state machine and a parsing table, which can be complex and error-prone.

Grammar Restrictions: The grammar must be free of conflicts (such as shift-reduce or reduce-reduce conflicts) to be suitable for shift-reduce parsing. Preparing a grammar to meet these criteria can require significant effort.

# Hypothetical Example of Conflict Handling
# Attempt to handle a shift-reduce conflict
if lookahead == "+" and can_reduce(stack, ["E", "+", "T"]):
    reduce()  # Choose to reduce in case of conflict

Error Recovery Can Be Challenging: Implementing effective error recovery strategies in shift-reduce parsers is more difficult than in top-down parsers. Errors detected late in the parsing process can complicate pinpointing the source of syntax errors.

Limited Intuitiveness: The bottom-up nature of shift-reduce parsing might not align intuitively with the way some programmers conceptualize grammatical structures, potentially making parser logic harder to follow and debug.

In summary, shift-reduce parsing excels in its ability to parse a broad range of grammars efficiently and directly construct parse trees, making it a powerful tool for compiler construction. However, the complexity of implementing such parsers and the challenges associated with grammar preparation and error recovery necessitates careful consideration. Balancing these pros and cons is crucial when choosing a parsing strategy for a specific language or compiler project.

LR Parsing

LR parsing, short for Left-to-right, Rightmost derivation parsing, is a bottom-up approach to syntax analysis used in compiler design. It’s capable of parsing a broader class of grammars more efficiently than simple shift-reduce parsers. LR parsers work by reading the input from left to right and constructing a rightmost derivation in reverse. The “LR” designation indicates the direction of input reading (L) and the type of derivation (R).

Types of LR Parsers

There are several types of LR parsers, including:

  • SLR (Simple LR): Uses a simplified set of parsing table construction rules.
  • LALR (Lookahead LR): Combines the states with the same items except for their lookahead symbols, reducing the size of the parsing table without losing the ability to parse many grammars.
  • CLR (Canonical LR): Provides the most potent LR parsing, using an exhaustive set of items for constructing the parsing table, which can handle all LR(k) grammars for any k.

LR Parsing Example

Given a grammar for simple arithmetic expressions:

E -> E + T | T
T -> T * F | F
F -> ( E ) | id

An LR parser would construct a set of states representing the possible configurations of the “stack” as it reads the input. Each state corresponds to a set of items, essentially the grammar rules annotated with a position marker indicating how much of the rule is seen.

Constructing the LR Parsing Table The construction of the LR parsing table involves two main components:

  • Action Table: Determines whether to shift, reduce, accept, or throw an error based on the current state and lookahead token.
  • Goto Table: Used to decide the next state when a reduction happens.

LR Parsing Process

  • Initialization: Start with the initial state on the stack.
  • Shift: On reading an input symbol, move to a new state by shifting the symbol onto the stack.
  • Reduce: If the entire right side of a production is on top of the stack, pop it off and replace it with the left side’s non-terminal, transitioning to a new state based on the goto table.
  • Accept: If the stack eventually reduces to the grammar’s start symbol and the input is fully consumed, the input is accepted as belonging to the language generated by the grammar.

Example Code for a Simplified LR Parser

class LRParser:
    def __init__(self, action_table, goto_table, input):
        self.action_table = action_table
        self.goto_table = goto_table
        self.stack = [0]  # Initial state
        self.input = input + ['$']  # End marker
        self.pointer = 0  # Input pointer

    def parse(self):
        while True:
            state = self.stack[-1]
            symbol = self.input[self.pointer]
            action = self.action_table[state][symbol]

            if action.startswith('s'):  # Shift
                self.stack.append(int(action[1:]))  # Go to state after 's'
                self.pointer += 1
            elif action.startswith('r'):  # Reduce
                # Example: 'r2' means reduce by rule 2
                rule_index = int(action[1:])  # Get rule index
                # Assume rules is a list of tuples (lhs, rhs_length)
                lhs, rhs_length = rules[rule_index]
                for _ in range(2 * rhs_length):
                    self.stack.pop()  # Pop RHS symbols and states
                state = self.stack[-2]  # Current state
            elif action == 'acc':  # Accept
                print("Input accepted")
            else:  # Error
                print("Syntax error")

This code outlines the basic structure of an LR parser. The action_table and goto_table contain the logic for shifting, reducing, and state transitions, and are specific to the grammar being parsed. Implementing a full LR parser requires constructing these tables from the grammar, which is a complex process typically done by parser generator tools like Yacc or Bison.

LR parsing Analysis

LR parsing is a comprehensive method for syntax analysis, offering significant advantages for compiler design due to its ability to handle a wide range of grammars with precision and efficiency. However, it also presents specific challenges and limitations, primarily related to its implementation complexity. Below, we summarize the pros and cons of LR parsing, incorporating example code snippets to illustrate critical points.


Broad Coverage of Grammars: LR parsers can analyze more complex grammars than LL parsers or simple shift-reduce parsers, making them suitable for a wide variety of programming languages.

# Example showing broad grammar handling capability
if action.startswith('r'):  # Reduce
    # Handles complex reductions based on grammar rules

Efficient and Deterministic Parsing: With the parsing tables constructed, LR parsing is highly efficient and deterministic, avoiding the need for backtracking and enabling fast syntax analysis.

# Efficient state transition

Excellent Error Detection: LR parsers detect errors as soon as they are encountered in the input stream, allowing for precise localization and reporting of syntax errors.

else:  # Error
    print("Syntax error")

Automatic Parser Generation: Tools like Yacc or Bison can automatically generate LR parsing tables from a grammar specification, facilitating the parser development process.


Complexity in Parser Construction: Constructing the LR parsing tables manually is highly complex and error-prone. Automatic parser generators mitigate this but require understanding the nuances of how these tools work.

# Indicative of the complexity in manual construction
self.stack.append(int(action[1:]))  # Go to state after 's'

Large Parsing Tables: For complex grammars, the generated LR parsing tables can become very large, leading to increased memory consumption in the parser implementation.

# Simplified view of accessing large parsing tables
action = self.action_table[state][symbol]

Grammar Restrictions: Although LR parsers handle a wide range of grammars, the grammar must still be free of conflicts (such as shift-reduce conflicts) to be LR-parseable. Addressing these conflicts can require in-depth grammar analysis and modifications.

Learning Curve: Understanding LR parsing, the construction of parsing tables, and the use of parser generators involves a steep learning curve, particularly for those new to compiler construction.

In summary, LR parsing stands out for its ability to efficiently parse complex grammars with deterministic outcomes and precise error reporting. The approach is well-suited for industrial-strength compilers and interpreters. However, the complexity of setting up LR parsers, the potential for large parsing tables, and the need for conflict-free grammars pose challenges. Tools like Yacc and Bison are invaluable in automating much of the process, but leveraging these tools requires a solid understanding of LR parsing principles.


Parsing techniques, ranging from straightforward recursive descent to sophisticated LR parsing, play a crucial role in compiler design and the analysis of programming languages. Recursive descent offers an intuitive approach with direct mapping to grammar, making it accessible but potentially inefficient for complex grammar due to its susceptibility to left recursion and backtracking issues. Predictive parsing, an evolution of recursive descent, eliminates backtracking through lookahead tokens and a parsing table, requiring grammars to be LL(1) for practical application. Shift-reduce parsing introduces a bottom-up approach, providing a more general method for constructing parse trees by dynamically recognizing and reducing patterns in the input. Among the most potent and comprehensive parsing strategies is LR parsing, which, through its various forms (SLR, LALR, CLR), supports a wide range of grammars with high efficiency and deterministic parsing, albeit at the cost of increased complexity in parser construction and potential for large parsing tables.


  1. The Role of Grammar in PartiQL